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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. adv. comparative of bien; better
           Il va mieux que jamais. - He's going better than ever.
           Timothée la connaît bien mieux que moi. - Timothy knows her better than I do.
     2. adv. (with definite article, le mieux) superlative of bien; best
     3. adv. (Saint-Étienne) more, -er.
           C'est mieux cher si tu achètes à l'unité. - It's more expensive if you buy individually.
     4. n-m. the best of one's ability, one's best
     1. prep. for (meant for, intended for) (followed by a noun or pronoun)
           J'ai un cadeau pour toi. - I've got a gift for you.
     2. prep. for (in support of)
           Pourquoi voter pour lui ? - Why did you vote for him?
     3. prep. for (as a consequence for)
           Il faut le punir pour ses crimes. - He must be punished for his crimes.
     4. prep. for (an intended destination)
           Sébastien est parti pour Londres. - Sébastien left for London.
     5. prep. to (to bring about an intended result) (followed by a verb in the infinitive)
           Je veux chanter pour te faire revenir. - I want to sing to make you come back.
     6. prep. for, to (according to)
           Pour moi, ce film est trop irréaliste. - For me, this film is too unrealistic.
     1. pron. you (informal second-person singular personal pronoun)
           J'ai besoin de toi. - I need you
           Et toi, ça va comment ? - And you, how are you?
           Souviens-toi de ce qui est vraiment important. - Remember what is really important.
           Attends, tu m'as dit qu'il y a dans cette maison plus de deux-cents livres. Est-ce qu'ils sont tous à toi ? - Wait, you told me that there are more than two hundred books in this house. Are the
           Toi, t'es quelque chose de différent. - You are something different.
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